Synergation is an award-winning SME that has developed unique digital applications.

We are based in London, from where we provide services and collaborate with clients and partners in the UK, Europe and Asia.

For general enquiries, contact us at (replace XX by @)

Search for successful bids from the UK, USA, EU and Australia. The data analytics and visualisations provide quick and easy horizon scanning using keyword search. The analysed financial information can help you to create effective project budgets swiftly and effortlessly.

Our literacy tool, DIMMAND is a game-based digital solution that helps to detect literacy difficulties faced by a young child and proposes the most appropriate steps to guide parents in helping their child improve in an area of need.

DIMMAND uses disruptive technologies such as gamification, data analysis, AI and cloud to bring together the latest scientific research and the experience of educational psychologists to offer interactive and fun games that assess a young child’s reading ability and other non-linguistic skills.

Our development program has received funding from the Innovate UK, European Commission and Qatar Foundation, and our work published in high impact journals